The Olympic Experience

Transferring Olympic Performance into the Workplace

Transferring Olympic Performance into the Workplace

The Olympic Experience is a one-day programme designed and delivered by Olympic medal winners Roger Black MBE, Steve Backley OBE, and global L&D expert, Paul Mallinson. Using the 5 Olympic Performance Traits identified to deliver peak performance within leadership teams and organisations worldwide, it draws upon their collective experience and achievements in sport and business to reach the top of their games.
Like Olympians, to compete successfully, businesses should continually strive for that extra edge to their performance. All the skills and knowledge development in the world will not generate maximum return if the right mindset and behavioural aspects of performance are absent. This unique, impactful and transformative programme develops and reinforces a winning mentality and a ‘can do’ attitude, enhancing individual, team and company performance.
How effectively does your organisation meet the 5 Olympic Performance Traits?

Programme Highlights

The Olympic Experience brings its unique approach of embedding the core principles of the 5 Olympic Performance Traits through our engaging and business-focused development framework.

Personal Engagement: Experience firsthand insights from two renowned accomplished Olympians and an experienced global L&D organisational coach.
Tailored Learning: Structured and aligned around the 5 Olympic Performance Traits with your specific organisational goals.
Unique Interaction: Discover techniques and strategies that will help develop peak performance through interactive sessions that empower and motivate.
Peak Performance: Be inspired by spending time with our Olympic athletes and understand how to apply the 5 Olympic Performance Traits to your workplace, perform at your peak, and achieve success.
5 traits
The Olympic Experience is a unique, immersive journey that explores and applies the 5 Olympic Performance Traits to achieve results in your organisation. This model has been built, challenged and tested by many of the elite achievers that the team have met and worked with over the years. Incorporating these traits into the Olympic Experience engenders a philosophy of elite performance into your everyday activities.

How effectively does your organisation meet the 5 Olympic Performance Traits?

Harnessing Olympic Traits for Organisational Success

Designed for senior executives, this quick survey provides impactful insights about how you can unleash elite performance within your organisation. By answering 15 quick-fire questions focussed on the 5 Olympic Performance Traits, you will uncover areas of your business culture and performance that may need improvement, as well as those where you excel. Leveraging the wisdom of Olympic athletes and business performance expertise, the report generated by your answers offers actionable recommendations tailored to your perceptions about your organisation.
“The impact you made was immediate and I could tell that the interest level you sustained throughout was absolute”
Trevor Smithers
Regional Development Manager – BMW

Let's Connect.

We're excited to discuss how The Olympic Experience can benefit your organisation.